Another warm weekend in Colorado led to another hike snuck into the month of March. This time, a group of us headed towards Pike's Peak National Forest, to explore a hike out of Green Mt Falls, CO. The area around Colorado Springs has been warm this time of year, and the weather sure didn't disappoint during this hike.

Beautiful blue skies hung overhead as we set out along the steep dirt road toward Catamount Trail. The road met the trailhead high along the ridge, but there was still a good bit of work to go before reaching the ridge. Along the way, pockets of shade harbored treacherous ice along the trail. We had a nice walk, but quit before reaching the reservoirs and views of Pike's Peak at the top. A new burger joint was calling our name.

This area is amazing, considering its proximity to Colorado Springs. It would make a wonderful hike on a hot summer day, the trail being so shaded and the reservoirs along the ridge. It was great for wetting my appetite - Now I can't wait to climb Pike's Peak. 
11/19/2012 11:06:22 pm

Hi Matt,

I hope you get this. I'm a designer working on a small travelogue for Green Mountain Falls, Co. We don't have a photo budget, but I saw this picture of the Catamount Trail and just loved it. I thought I'd ask if you wouldn't mind if we used it in the book, giving you a credit line of course. Please let me know if you'd be willing at [email protected]

thanks for your time.


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